All of our services are free.

ServicesCase Management

Case Managers provide members access to professional assistance that will enhance their ability to manage issues related to epilepsy and improve their quality of life.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for initial screening, click here.

Case Management Services

Assess situation and needs

Case managers begin by making a thorough assessment of a potential member’s needs by conducting an intake assessment. Together they will work to identify epilepsy needs, set goals, and develop a plan to achieve set goals through internal services and external referrals.

Ongoing Case Management

Ongoing check-ins are conducted based on members’ needs. During regular check-ins, a case manager evaluates progress, focuses on helping members stay on track with goals and provides access to resources.

Community Resources

Case managers assist members by researching and providing resources. These resources include public benefits (transportation, SSI/SSDI, PUNS, healthcare, supplemental nutrition, housing), access to medical care, IEP/504 Plans, legal referral, and employment assistance.

Take action

For more information, contact Karina Villafuerte at

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