A wide array of programs are available for adults and children living with epilepsy, as well as their families and caregivers. They are designed to provide a positive environment for their participants to connect with others.
Kids & Teens
Scheduled on a regular basis, these outings take kids and teens, as well as family members, on exciting excursions that provide the opportunity to bond in a fun setting, such as a ropes course, trampoline park, and an arts class.
“Train Your Brain” Games Group
Meets weekly on Thursday from 1:00-2:00 pm
Adult Member Outings
Scheduled on a regular basis, these outings give participants the opportunity to socialize and have fun on excursions such as an architectural boat tour, a trip to the Chicago Sports Museum, a candle making class, and more.
Creativity Hour
Meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month from 2:00-4:00 pm
Young Adult Member Outings
Scheduled on a regular basis, these outings give participants 18-25 years old the opportunity to socialize with their peers and have fun on excursions such as a trip to Enchanted Castle, a Chicago Wolves game, and more.
Movie Matinee
Meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month from 2:00-4:00 pm
Monthly Family Fun Activities
Gatherings that bring participants of all ages together for festive occasions such as St. Patrick’s Day, the annual Picnic in the Park, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the annual Family Holiday Party, and more.
Mindfulness Minutes
Meets weekly virtually on Wednesday from 12:00-12:45 pm.
Para servicios, actividades y eventos en el idioma español, por favor comunique con Agatha Demarchi al siguiente correo electrónico ademarchi@epilepsychicago.org.
TestimonialsWhat people are saying…
“The Foundation allows patients to have a community. I want to make sure everyone is included, and EFGC is that bridge.”
Dr. Heard, EFGC Board Member
“After her week at camp Clara came home and was able to tell friends about her diagnosis. She started to not be ashamed about carrying her rescue medicine. Her time at camp helped Clara own who she is and to not be ashamed.”
Mother of a Camp Phoenix participant
“My EFGC counselors have given me what I need – consistency, accountability, and accessibility. They helped me get into my comfort zone and build my character.”